Ambassador Liu Xiaoming: I would say, yes, Iran with nuclear weapons is not in the interest of peace and stability in the region. 刘大使:一个拥有核武器的伊朗不利于地区和平与稳定。
It is incumbent upon all countries to properly address the nuclear security challenge, ensure sustained and sound development of nuclear energy, and uphold international security and stability. 妥善应对核安全挑战,保障核能持续健康发展,维护国际安全稳定,成为各国共同面临的重要课题。
With regard to North Korea, the one thing I think everyone now agrees on& we agree that its nuclear and missile programs present a clear and present danger to stability in the area, in East Asia in particular. 在北韩方面,我认为现在所有人都同意我们一致认为其核计划和导弹计划给该地区,特别是东亚地区的稳定带来明显和切实的危险。
Japan has its own set of challenges due to the tsunami, earthquake, nuclear crisis and then more systemic issues about government stability and funding key initiatives. 由于海啸、地震、核危机和其他的体制问题,比如说政治稳定性和关键的财政措施,日本面临着自己的挑战。
On the Iranian nuclear issue, let me stress here that it is our consistent position to uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the relevant region. 关于伊朗核问题,我想强调,中方一直主张维护国际核不扩散体系,维护有关地区的和平稳定;
Or perhaps Iran will simply muscle its way through towards nuclear breakout, accepting risks to economic and social stability along the way. 抑或,伊朗可能会一意孤行,直到成功研制出原子弹,并承担这个过程中伊朗经济和社会稳定面临的风险。
At the time of nuclear storm becoming increasingly fierce, in order to maintain the area safety and stability, China actively promotes the three-party talks to six-party talks. 在美朝核风波愈演愈烈、几近战争临界值之际,中国从维护地区安全出发,积极出面转旋,经三方会谈而达成了六方会谈框架。
Progress in nuclear disarmament cannot be achieved without a global strategic equilibrium and stability. 核裁军的进展,离不开全球的战略平衡和稳定。
China is for the peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation, and for maintaining the peace and stability of the Middle East. 中国主张通过对话和谈判和平解决伊朗核问题,维护中东地区的和平与稳定。
Those objectives are for North Korea to stop developing nuclear weapons and to look for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula. 美国的目标就是,朝鲜停止开发核武器,寻求朝鲜半岛的和平与稳定。
Odd even rule of nuclear stability 核稳定性的奇偶定则
The nuclear force can maintain the stability of a nuclei so that it can also maintain the stability of the neutron stars. 这种短程力能使原子核保持稳定,当然也能使带电中子星保持稳定。
Stability of artificial synthetic overweight elements has been analysed theoretically using a diagram of nuclear stability. 本文通过核的稳定性分析图对人工合成超重元素的稳定性进行了理论分析。
Nuclear battery has lots of advantages such as small volume, longevity, environal stability and so on, therefore, it was widely used in aerospace, deep-sea, polar region, heart pacemaker, micro-electromotor and other fields etc. 核电池具有体积小、寿命长、不受外界环境影响等优点,因而在航空航天、深海、极地、心脏起搏器、微型电机等领域得到广泛地应用。
The reactor coolant pump in nuclear power plant is the only revolving equipment in the nuclear power plant. Its functional stability will directly affect the security of nuclear power plant. 核电站反应堆冷却剂泵(又称核主泵)是核岛中的唯一旋转核心设备,其运行的可靠性与否直接影响到核电站的安全性。
Using the constitutive equation, we set up coupled TM mathematic model of nuclear waste underground repository in rock salt deposit fitting our geology, which provides theoretical basis of our nuclear waste repository construction and stability analysis. 运用此本构方程,建立了适合我国地质情况的盐岩矿床的核废料处置库固-热耦合数学模型,为我国核废料硐室处置库的建造及稳定性分析提供理论依据。
The research of "nineth five-year" advance PWR nuclear power plant key technologies is the stability base for development of new generation PWR nuclear generator team and scientific research in our country. 九五先进压水堆核电站关键技术研究对我国新一代压水堆核电机组的开发和科研打下了坚实基础。
This article discusses in particular the relation between T avg and heat effectiveness of nuclear power plant, safety of reactor core, stability of control system, etc. 本文重点讨论RCS平均温度与电站热效率、堆芯安全、控制系统稳定等的关系。
The features of nuclear ultrastructure in infected cells and nucleus stability during infected cell senescence were discussed also. 还讨论了侵染细胞核超微结构的特征和对细胞衰老的稳定性。
Lamin proteins are thought to determine the size and shape of cell nuclei and to be involved in nuclear stability, chromatin structure and gene expression. A型核纤层蛋白决定细胞核的大小及形状,与细胞核的稳定性、染色质结构以及基因表达有关。
Liquid gas Phase Transition in Nuclear Matter and Stability of Hot Nuclei 核物质液-气相变和热核稳定性
The average temperature of RCS is an important factor for PWR nuclear power plant, affecting the safety, stability and heat effectiveness of the power plant. 反应堆一回路(RCS)平均温度是压水堆核电厂的重要参数,对于电厂的安全、稳定及热效率关系很大。
The principle and some demands of measurement of nuclear ionization room are narrated. The constitute of measuring system of stability of nuclear ionization room, how to realize the system with PC and other devices and some programming methods on Visual Basic are detailed. 叙述了核子电离室原理及其测试要求,较详细介绍了核子电离室稳定性测试系统的组成,以及采用PC机的硬件实现和使用VB的软件编程方法。
The result of application shows that this nuclear spectrometric instrument has the advantage of high precision and stability, not only indoor, but outdoor. 初步应用表明:该核谱仪既具有室内精度高、稳定性好的优点,又能适合野外使用。
Simple Rules For Determining Nuclear Stability and Type of Radioactive Decay 确定核素稳定性和衰变类型的简单规则
Since October 2002, a new round of North Korean nuclear crisis has cast a shadow over the peace and stability on Asia-Pacific region again. The development and solution of the first nuclear crisis thus presents a great research value to the ease of nowadays tension. 从2002年10月起,新一轮朝核危机再次给亚太地区的和平安全带来了巨大的阴影,第一次朝核危机的发展乃至解决因此呈现出巨大的研究价值。
Korea problem has been the most important Cold War legacy of East Asia, and North Korean nuclear issue has always been one of the key factors influencing the peace and stability of Asia-Pacific Region. 朝鲜问题是东亚影响最大的冷战遗留问题,朝鲜核问题也是影响东亚太平洋地区和平与稳定的重要因素之一。
The international nuclear non-proliferation regime has been built for half a century. During this period, the nuclear non-proliferation regime has made a great contribution to nuclear disarmament, peace and stability of the world. 国际核不扩散机制自成立以来已经历经半个世纪,在这段时期内核不扩散机制为遏制核武器的扩散和世界核裁军做出了巨大贡献,为世界的和平和稳定做出了巨大贡献。
As operating experience increase in nuclear power of the world, manufacturing and IT technology development, equipment reliability and systems to enhance the degree of automation, resulting in the level of nuclear security and stability operations has greatly improved. 随着世界核电运行经验的增加,制造业和IT技术的发展,设备可靠性和系统自动化程度的提升,导致核电站的安全稳定运营水平有了大幅度的提升。
Thermosetting polyimide has been widely used in the airspace, aerospace, nuclear power and electric industries for excellent chemistry stability, toughness, wear resistant, inflaming retarding, electric insulation property and other mechanical performance. 热固性聚酰亚胺由于其具有优良的化学稳定性,坚韧性,耐磨性,阻燃性,电绝缘性以及其它机械性能,已被广泛应用于航空、航天、核电和微电子领域。